Monday, July 26, 2004

Thought of The Morning
"Now, we must all fear evil men... but there is another kind of evil that we must fear most... and that is the indifference of good men."
This quote was taken from "The Boondock Saints" a movie that has to do with some things I actually feel rather strongly about. The fact that not fighting back against things that are wrong is as bad as doing something wrong yourself. That's how I see things.
Issue: Sarah Williams
Supposedly I am supposed to go hang out with Sarah, Rachel, and Trevor at Rachel's house tomorrow. I think I might have some idea of who she is now. It... is odd... I don't really know what I think of her... I'm gonna go read her blog...
Okay, nothing new. I think there might be something... Call it chemistry. Not sure. Need to be with her in RL.
Okay. I'm gonna watch a movie. 'Night.

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