Sunday, September 19, 2004


For those of you who don't know me, I am Matt, the owner of this blog. Believe it or not, I am alive and well, and blogging!


Sarah is my precious. I am very possesive of her and find few things as awesome as her hugs. Eee! ^^


Tony is a good friend of mine, a gaming liason, and part-time jerk. Might have somethign going for Lisa?

WTF m8?

You know all of this.


TOnight I went to Marissa Brower's birthday party. It sucked so much. I mean, I just felt out of place. I was caught between peer groups, and Brian was with Cynthea, so I was kinda a third wheel. Then I found out that people freakin' hate tricycles. I liked hanging out with Marissa though, and, there was burning of sitcks in the backyard, so, I rejoiced.


Clans are Gay: My new counterstrike clan. We get the scout and freakin' pwn you to worlds beyond. I own with the scout. See for yourself. I am Bravo. THX is Chris Normand and MetalS is Nick Jimenez. We all know who SIM is.The scout is awesome.


... is much more awesome. I really find her incredibly special to me. For those of you who have trouble grasping the english language (along with other common objects like doorknobs, forks, plates) that means I find it hard to believe how awesome she is to me. I would easily give most anything to just sit there with her and hold her to me for a long, long time. She is a window out of hell one might say.

A Window into Hell

On the other side, I have started into my annual depression. Sorry bout that, see you in december.
