Saturday, July 31, 2004

Happy Birthday Rachel

Well, I think we can all safely say that Rachel got owned. Not just owned, actually, PWN3D. No matter how cunning she thinks she is, she still didn't stop us. Nothing can stop us. We are the invincible "Team Charmin". Wind, nor rain, nor really really uncomfortable toilets can stop us. We are 1-3-3-7.
347 7.

Issue: Sarah Williams

As some of you may know, I spent a better part of my waking hours with Sarah. I enjoyed it alot. Quite a bit. And not just because I was hopped up on a mocha freezer. Actually, A mudlifter. We saw Chris Kersey, and the mutual agreement was "That guy is scary." So, anayway, back to the issue at top. Sarah... I knmow I most certainly enjoy her company. Immensley, actually. And I think that it would be safe to say that, I "like" her. Now, for all of you that know me, trevor's keyboard sucks. Also, that is a rasther irrational conclusion, as I haven't been around her much. But, I find that her attitude in general is rather enjoyable. So, that is an interesting fact for all you out there. I know Sarah reads my blog, so, Sarah, there you have it. You have several choices. I shall list them in an attractive manner.
  1. Hide. He is coming, and scary enough to scare off Katherine James. SCORE!
  2. Kindly tell me you think I am scary/odd/heavily armed and that you are interesting in distancing ourselves from one another for a bit.
  3. Kindly tell me you think I am scary/odd/heavily armed and that you are interesting in decreasing the distance between us. ^^
  4. Just talk to me sometime. I know you are slightly confused about this whole situation. As I know I am. So, we should talk sometime. Without our respective possies. (Me: Trevor. You: Rachel) Actually, I think we should do that anyway. If not in person (Not likely, due to your militant father) then over the phone.

I recommend option number four. But, in all honesty, It's up to you. If there is not really any chance for me to start anything with you, I would like to know. That would be very kind. ^^ I am attempting to do this before I feel too serious about anything, because the more serious I get, the more serious I get hurt. X.x And therein lies my cowardice. I have not really done well in the past with relationships, and Kat was just an attempt to get my self confidence going. I was just lonely I guess. Beyond that, you have qualities that I wouldn't mind getting rubbed off on me. Well, that's my rambling for now. Lemme know what you think. I will probobly call you tomorrow around 3-4.

Random Quote That Amuses Me

"You can't hug with nuclear arms."

The hell you can't. Aww... Come here Soviet Union.... *white flash*


-X.X- Mouse


Last night the Pistol Whippers played a clan called. *CoRe*. They got pistolwhipped. The first map, Basrahs Edge, we won with a 1-0 score. The Second map, El Alamien, We lost with a 0-1 score. The third map, Berlin, we won with a 12-2 score. Oh, yeah, we were playing capture the flag.

Issue: Sarah Williams

Gar! I must talk to Sarah in real life and hang out with her and such. Or else my mind will keep leaning my heart toward her with no real reason but. "I can, I guess." Gar! The pirate not be pleased! But at the same time, he be very pleased! He be callin' the Lass when he posts. Yearg, he be checkin' her blog. Gyar, Not a tad new there. Now, I be finished posting. Gyeeear!


The Pirate!

  • .o

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Failure happened, that is all.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Thought of The Morning
"Now, we must all fear evil men... but there is another kind of evil that we must fear most... and that is the indifference of good men."
This quote was taken from "The Boondock Saints" a movie that has to do with some things I actually feel rather strongly about. The fact that not fighting back against things that are wrong is as bad as doing something wrong yourself. That's how I see things.
Issue: Sarah Williams
Supposedly I am supposed to go hang out with Sarah, Rachel, and Trevor at Rachel's house tomorrow. I think I might have some idea of who she is now. It... is odd... I don't really know what I think of her... I'm gonna go read her blog...
Okay, nothing new. I think there might be something... Call it chemistry. Not sure. Need to be with her in RL.
Okay. I'm gonna watch a movie. 'Night.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Random Thoughts Of Madness

So, for reason's unbeknownst to me I am leaning towards a conclusion without any reason. Not healthy. I don't really know why. Possibly because I published the situation a bit too much, and talked to too many people about it. I think that I try to justify things in a conversation, and end up molding them to the conversation, even if said conversation is completely different from the way I feel. So, as I stated earlier that's bad.
Issue: Sarah Williams
I am glad we have cleared up the "Myself" issue in the blog. Makes me a lot more comfortable with the whole situation, which is currently about as comfortable as these razorblades for boots will let me...
I don't know, it's a confusing situation, even as one sided as it is. I have probobly been giving it too much thought. But, 'round these here parts, that is a problem far too rare. *chews on a peice of grass and wears a dusty cowboy hat*
Right Now: Bliss
As uncomfortable as my heart and mind are right now, being in conflict with one another, I have found myself again able to reach my bliss. I define my bliss as being able to write something like this. Something that lets out a bit of the way I feel inside. While I am doing that I have to be listening to music which I feel expresses the way I feel inside. This is the greatest feeling I can ever achieve by myself. Not thinking too much, just writing the way i feel and the notes that correspond with them. Its almost a mindless state. Right now I am there. I just feel good, listening to music and thinking about my the conflict. Upbeats and beatdowns, which is Ironically, the name of the album...
"Where does the misunderstanding come from,demanding that we be outstanding and then some?
Perfection never was a requirement,
although some might say we desired it.
So then for times when things get old I might get cynicalI see that I don't see.
Do they see you when they see me?
In honesty there's room for improvement
Thoughts may change, the truth be told,
A closed mind will leave you empty
Use your mind to use your soul.
Alert the press, their dogmas are a mess,
Opinions shift, a broken sift, an empty hand,
And billboards ask, 'where do they stand.'
Do all streams lead to one sea?
Logically there's room for all questions
Though the answers aren't all known,
Objectivities the myth of plenty,
Who doubt His truth within their soul."
Five Iron Frenzy - All That is Good
So, I am going to stop now. That took a while to type. See you all at church in... 8 hours?

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Hello ladies and gents.

I have been into thinking alot since mission. During too. I don't know much of anything right now, except that I want to change. When Rachel Rinn says that your perverted, and that its a bad thing, it's time to Bail. Beyond that I have started... conversion? I don't know what you call it, and what it feels closest to is a longing/guilty feeling. I really want to.. be right... I dunno. I think all the Christian music I have been listening to might have reinstalled my faith in the slightest. So, w00t on that. Its hard, but, I think I might be coming back from the dark.

BTW, I encourage all of you to check out "Five Iron Frenzy" Christian Ska!

Issue:  Sarah Williams

I read her blog today, due to a rather helpful link from Rachel. I thought it was rather cute, excepting one peice. Under her dislikes, she wrote "Myself" and "Life"... I hope she said those with a sense of humor... I hate to say this, but, that's a tad frightening. I mean... I am not sure but, I don't think that's a good thing... Lets just say I hope she was kidding for now.
On to the whole situation, I guess I better do a good job of explaining it, eh? Okay, on Mission, Rachel and I were tallking about Trevor. I had a misinterparation of an incident involving Sarah. Sarah likes/ed Trevor and Rachel wanted him to like Sarah back so she could have luck with a guy. I had, at this point, just broken up with kat, and had been emotionally detatched from her for about two weeks. So it was an easy breakup, and I would be lying if I said I was not/ am not still actively looking for a girl. All this talk about Sarah stirs up some memories in mid to late march of her being a possible target of one of my affections. As for my affections, I have three, each with his or her own personality and a semi automatic weapon, a crowbar, and all are named "Gordon Freeman". They all have Degrees from MIT in the area of Hazordous material research and have been recently employed by the government at Black Mesa. So, I discussed with Rachel my interest in Sarah. She, frankly, jumped iwht joy. That was odd, i thought, and well, I guess it fits her. She seemed more than ecstatic. So, I have decided to get to know Sarah past "the cute little girl who I help pick on".

Check this link out, I lub it. - PIMP

Okay, later ya'll. I am gonna go finish law and order.

Monday, July 19, 2004

I'm back.
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while.
I don't have much to say to you.
I broke up with Kat.

I think I might possibley want to date Sarah.
I want to sleep.
I am trying to stop with the foul words by new years.
Wish me luck.
Mouse is out,
No eyebrows today.