Sunday, April 17, 2005


I put a dent in my guitar trying to play fucking outside. Not just a dent, but a chip. And that fucking ruined my motherfucking day. Fuck. I really just want to die right now. I won't. Don't worry, If I was seriously out of my skull, I would not be blogging about it. I'm just mildly out of my skull.


Fuck school.
Fuck nature.
Fuck the confirmation program.
Fuck trying to be everyone's hero.

I am not superman, don't expect shit from me.


(please note, I am more or less trying to post everytime I feel like this so I can get a pattern. Don't get too upset kids.)


Annie said...

Matt, you ARE superman. You live in the world of saddness and pain, but it isn't yours. You take away the pain of those you care about and take it in on yourself. You are selfless and loving and deserve more than this world has to offer. For a while you cared about me, that was cool. I mean you let the people you care about know that they have someone who's there for them and will love them no matter what happens, or what they do. Everyone has to face the tough parts of life, but you face them everyday, and you don't complain. You are so important to so many people around you, I think you know that. You are what I could never be, and we love you for it. Dont ever change.

Rachel said...

Uh... Matt, I know we have our major differences. And I disagree with Annie. Sorry, but you're NOT Superman. You shouldn't have to be. You're human. Don't take on such a task yet. It's incredible that you've managed to go on this far. Yes, I do think you should continue being the Matt that everyone can cry on, but don't take on the task of trying to FIX everyone's problems. Listen. Talk less. "Be slow to speak and quick to listen." I'm not trying to put you down in any way. I'M giving YOU the advice this time... because I care about you. Don't let yourself drown in other people's problems. You've been swimming in a pool of depression. Take a break and bask in the sun for a while before you drown or shrivel into a raisin! We love you. I mean, I like raisins, but I prefer the store-bought kind in the cute little boxes or the ones in Raisin Bran. In other words: BREATHE.

Unknown said...

Matt, you may not think you're superman, but you sure were for me. Without you I'd be in my little "I hate life corner" bleeding all over the place. Without you this year would have meant nothing at all. I look at you and I see someone I thought was impossible. Matt, you love me and do your best to care for me even when all I want to do is slap you and run away. And you don't just do that for me, there are others too. You are one of the most amazing people I know because of what you are able to be. I know there's so much pain inside you, but you cover it up and take on other's pain as well. I can't understand how you are able to do it, but you do. And I'm going to end this before I go explode here. I love you SOOOOO much Matt, and you know it't true.