Monday, February 28, 2005

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

So Lisa and I broke up today. It was okay. Lisa seemed happier than she had in a long time, and that is worht it. Lisa is a friend, first and foremost. A good friend.

I seem to get alot of good friends by dating.

I wish I could date them more than break up with them to be their friend.

I want to keep dating. No reason atoll to stop.

Do I have any volunteers?



Annie said...

Wow... I don't know why, but that last line made me think Dating TV Show. Which could be intresting. *begins plotting*

Mouse said...

For some reason that irritated me when I read it. I didn't find it funny. Wierd.

Rachel said...

"Chris is looking for someone to go to Prom with Matt," or "Chris is looking for someone to go to Prom with, Matt"?

Rachel said...

See how the comma can change the meaning of the sentence? Isn't grammar interesting? *snaps out of it* I hate English!!

Annie said...

Sorry Matt, Annie didnt mean to anger...

Mouse said...

Not you, Annie. Trev.

Unknown said...

Matt, you so stole my quote for your title. Retrebution will be swift!

Mouse said...

No, I so jacked that from "Closing Time" by SemiSonic. I can sing that on request! ^^