Saturday, August 27, 2005

"Jenny Was a Friend of Mine"

I, on my never-ending spending spree, have gone out and purchased the album "Hot Fuss" by The Killers. The first track is called "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine", I found that amusing. Its a real nifty CD. It makes me think of Franz Ferdinand at a Rave Party, entirely because of the synthesizer. I like the whole CD, because their bassist is one funky motor-scooter, and he knows it. Not only does this CD satisfy my need for Franz Ferdinand Vocals, Funky Bass, and Techno PWNAGE, but it has some of the coolest lyrics. They sound kind of like NIN with the synth, but NIN is all "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT, NOOB!" and The Killers are all "ITS ALL OUR FAULT! WE'RE NOOBS!" Needless to say, if NIN and The Killers got in a fight, the Killers would kick NIN ass, because NIN is one guy. And the killers is 4. I still don't know if I like NIN more or not, I need to get one of the CD's... actually, I need to get "With Teeth", the new one. I have heard the others, and I liked them, but I'm just not that angry right now. ^^

I also got the Audioslave Album, "Out of Exile", and I love that as well. Its like Rage Against the Machine, meets Chris Cornell, and then begins to PWN everything it can see. Seriously, I would like it more than Rage if, if I didn't like Rage so much. There is something rather comforting about having a man yell his defiance with a rock band backing him. Maybe its just me.

Let's Roll onto Something New!"

Last night, I got depressed. I'm not really sure why. All of a sudden I just didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to lie down and die. Or be killed, I think I wanted that more. I just, gah, I was upset, and I didn't know what over. Really bothered me, and that isn't the first time that this has happened. Maybe I just need to relax. Sorry about being a jerk to you Jenny, and Annie.

"I got soul but I'm not a soldier."

The date search is dismal. All the girls that I had in mind, that I freakin' know, are for some reason or another inaccessible to me. At least, I think that's what it is. I don't really know if I am ready to date either. I just, don't really feel right. I'll figure it out, and keep you informed.

Becuase you want to know this, right? I mean, you are totally on the edge of your seats, right?

Damn straight.



Annie said...

Yeah, totally werent a jerk.

... And yes. Im totally on the edge of my seat.


Rachel said...

I think we've both hit brick walls in the back alleys of dating. Hey, look -- there goes a hobo. Oh wait, that's just Trevor. Or maybe Ben Birdwell. Anyway, don't get desperate. I don't think that'll happen, but I'm telling you in advance. I just realized how much I don't like the position of the apple that the graduate girl is holding on the cover of the "Building Our Dreams" from when we were in third grade at OLQP.

So how about that take-home Gov quiz, Trevor?

Rachel said...

Excellent, little brother.