Monday, August 01, 2005

An interesting question.

Someone in the Ao1 server today asked me "why I was dumb enough to be a christian". And I honestly didn't have an answer for the dude. I thought about saying that it was the way my parents taught me, but, no offense to the parents, that's a POS rationalization. So, I gave it some thought. For like an hour, I thought about it, and I came up with a good reason, at least good enough for me.

I like Christianity because it is the ultimate personification of an all-powerful force of love. Love is pwnage. It encourages everyone to love one another, and we all need to honestly. I guess it gives me what I feel I need from some greater spiritual entity. I believe that we are all basically good, but that evil does exist. I also believe that what is evil, under the correct circumstances can become good. I believe there is some truth to every faith, and that not everyone needs faith. Who am I to tell someone they are missing out on Jesus? They may be perfectly fine without Jesus. I like to share Jesus with other, but I would rather share him by trying to be a good person than by being a preachy asshole. Why? Cause I'm hippocritical as it is. Don't need to add to it.

I'm now looking for a girlfriend, officially. So, if you have a virgin sacrifice, (virginity preferred, but not required) let me know. And if you are the sacrifice, let me know. I'll give you a call, and we'll go get something to eat.

Anyway, that's all.


Rachel said...

I don't believe that just because someone doesn't know Jesus then they're going to be condemned. But I DO believe that we should spread the Word and faith to all nations, as we are supposed to. Just because we sin doesn't mean we're hypocritical to spread Good News. (I'm not saying that that's what you were implying.)

Virginity preferred? Well, dang. No, I'm totally kidding.

Unknown said...

A few corrections.

1.) all people are not basically good. we are created good, and then the actions of the individual make them a good or bad person. also, good and bad are not realtive, they are absolute. the person is either good or bad, no in-between. Nazi Germany was an example of people who are not good.

2.) you said that evil does exist. evil is not a myth, but it doesnt "exist." evil is the absence of good. its a concept, not a real thing. like dark and light. darkenss doesnt actually exist, only light does(as the presence of flowing photons). how do I know this is true, because God is never in the presence of evil, so how could he create it. evil is when the creation of God becomes less than what God created it to be. back to my first correction, good and bad are absolute. when something becomes less, it is no longer good.

3.) ok, the part where you said "what is evil, under the correct circunstances can become good." I mean, COME ON! I think I've already explained this one, but I'll elaborate slightly. nothing goes from evil to good without the direct action of God Himself. its possible that you meant to say was that "something that is evil in one circumstance is not evil in another." like sex, or killing(people vs chickens).

4.) There is some truth in most religions, but truth, like goodness, is also absolute and must be complete. if something is not completely true, then it is not true.

5.) "Not everyone needs faith." I cant believe I'm correcting this. a human being isnt strong enough to make it on their own. it just isnt gonna happen. if you dont believe me, look up Romans 3:23

6.) "Who am I to tell someone they are missing out on Jesus?" you're a Christian and you've been given a Great Commission (maybe you've heard of it in Sunday school). you dont have to be preachy, but if someone asks, you shouldnt hesitate to tell. wouldnt you agree the He is that good. no one is "perfectly fine without Jesus."

7.) "I'm hippocritical as it is." dont be. pick either BEING a Christian, or not pretending to be one. there is no gain in putting out the extra effort if its just a facade. you wont see a reward if you arent genuine.

I wont comment on the dating. you know my view on that. however I will still encourage you not to.

remember how I'm always telling you to stop rationalizing things out, well your getting worse at it and definitely NEED to stop. your deceptions are coming from within, and thats really really bad. so just stop thinking and start discussing or do something that involves another person who is wiser than you and is not afraid to correct you. james langoria is like yoda and I'm sure you know other people who would be good too.
