Saturday, May 21, 2005

One Month and Four Days

inbtween posts. Man, I should be on the computer more. Right? Right?
So, what's new? The Girl and the Band. Typical tennage male stuff. Stereotypical stuff even. So, here we go.

The Girl

So, you guys know that rational post and everyone seemed to love? Yeah. I am going to completley nullify that one. Sarah and I are dating again. I really hope this goes better tahn the first time. There was a rather interesting and dramatic tale behind all of this too. However, it does not bear repeating. Sarah is cool, if you want to see me rant on her, go back to august archives and have fun.

The Band

Casual Friday. I play bass guitar. In a rock band. UBER AWESOME STEROTYPICAL TEENAGE COOLNESS POINTS! WHAAAAOOOO! GUITAR SOLO HERE! Yeah. We rock. Hardcore. We are actually really good, and would kinda like to make it big. We are sure as hell trying. And I'm sure that this is making Sarah's mommy and daddy, who read my blog, comfortable. Eheheheh. Anyway, yeah, here is our website, We have had a bunch of shows. We are serious about the whole thing. As Tyler (vocalist, frontman kinda dude) would say (to the chick getting us pizza at a putt-putt place in Pearland) "Yeah. Did you know we are all gonna be famous someday?"

Short post. Next time I'm inspired I'll blog. Sorry about the post delay.



Annie said...

Yeah *cough* Blue, funny thing about that...

Unknown said...

Yeah.....*kicks self*

Rachel said...

Yeah.....*kicks Matt*

Unknown said...

No...See, this is how it's supposed to happen --> *kicks self*
Self equaling Sarah of course, not Rachel.

Mouse said...

Let's just agree to not kick anyone. Mm-kay?

Unknown said...

.....NEVER!! *evil grin* *pokes Matt* *giggles* *kicks Matt* *runs away giggling evily*

I love being so tired I can't think straight. *glee!*

Oh, and *kicks self*


Rachel said...

Oh, okay. I got it now. *kicks Sarah*

Rachel said...

*...and Trevor*

THX1134 said...

I'm buying a noob shield.

Rachel said...

*ninja poke*