Monday, January 05, 2004

Bravo is blogging.


I was talking to Angela Saunders yesterday. She threatened me with castration if I did not ask Callan on the first day of school. I think she might be serious. X.o So I have even more reason to do it.

I have been thinking about why I feel for her. I have decided it is not just that she is incredibly cute. I love her voice, and how sweet she is to everyone. And her ability to participate in random acts of rubber-band ball without any shame. I also like the fact that she games. Although its not the same type of games I play. *Unreal Tournement Voice Rings Out With A Strong Baritone "HEADSHOT!!!" and Bravo dodges goo* But, then again, I do love RPG's. Just I dont have access to sexy Japenese ones. Because I have no console. But I don't feel I have to fear the exasperated starres I get from people when I say "I just spent the last seven hours playing Fallout 2." Good game by the way.

Please, help me find the holy GECK so that I may save my village!!


Yeah. The guys at Interplay ate the brown acid. I am rambling again, aren't I? I guess one reason that I really like Callan is because she is always happy. Not that I don't love Annie, who is always sad (unfortunately) but I like that nothing gets her down. And if it does, it can most likely be shot.

º.º - What The....

ô.ô - Holy!

ô.o - What The...

•.• - Evil!

Later all.


*Flak Cannon - BAM BAM BAM HEADSHOT!!!*

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