Well, I think we can all safely say that Rachel got owned. Not just owned, actually, PWN3D. No matter how cunning she thinks she is, she still didn't stop us. Nothing can stop us. We are the invincible "Team Charmin". Wind, nor rain, nor really really uncomfortable toilets can stop us. We are 1-3-3-7.
347 7.
Issue: Sarah Williams
As some of you may know, I spent a better part of my waking hours with Sarah. I enjoyed it alot. Quite a bit. And not just because I was hopped up on a mocha freezer. Actually, A mudlifter. We saw Chris Kersey, and the mutual agreement was "That guy is scary." So, anayway, back to the issue at top. Sarah... I knmow I most certainly enjoy her company. Immensley, actually. And I think that it would be safe to say that, I "like" her. Now, for all of you that know me, trevor's keyboard sucks. Also, that is a rasther irrational conclusion, as I haven't been around her much. But, I find that her attitude in general is rather enjoyable. So, that is an interesting fact for all you out there. I know Sarah reads my blog, so, Sarah, there you have it. You have several choices. I shall list them in an attractive manner.
- Hide. He is coming, and scary enough to scare off Katherine James. SCORE!
- Kindly tell me you think I am scary/odd/heavily armed and that you are interesting in distancing ourselves from one another for a bit.
- Kindly tell me you think I am scary/odd/heavily armed and that you are interesting in decreasing the distance between us. ^^
- Just talk to me sometime. I know you are slightly confused about this whole situation. As I know I am. So, we should talk sometime. Without our respective possies. (Me: Trevor. You: Rachel) Actually, I think we should do that anyway. If not in person (Not likely, due to your militant father) then over the phone.
I recommend option number four. But, in all honesty, It's up to you. If there is not really any chance for me to start anything with you, I would like to know. That would be very kind. ^^ I am attempting to do this before I feel too serious about anything, because the more serious I get, the more serious I get hurt. X.x And therein lies my cowardice. I have not really done well in the past with relationships, and Kat was just an attempt to get my self confidence going. I was just lonely I guess. Beyond that, you have qualities that I wouldn't mind getting rubbed off on me. Well, that's my rambling for now. Lemme know what you think. I will probobly call you tomorrow around 3-4.
Random Quote That Amuses Me
"You can't hug with nuclear arms."
The hell you can't. Aww... Come here Soviet Union.... *white flash*
-X.X- Mouse